It is not for nothing that Nigerians say a man who insults his mother when he is drunk shouldn’t blame the alcohol.
During an election year, Kenyans retreat to their tribal cocoons and bare their ugly bums. The smartest Kenyans
A helicopter with five people aboard went down in Lake Nakuru several days ago. What followed was disastrous, when a useless fishing boat was brought in from Naivasha to assist in the rescue mission, four hours after the crash.
Yesterday, acting as free citizens of this democratic republic, we exercised our constitutional right to protest. At 11am, we took to the streets, unarmed and carrying harmless placards and crosses to symbolize the people who have been killed, as a
“Police stop killing us”, shout protesters who today marched against police violence in Kenya. Prominent activist Boniface Mwangi was injured by a teargas canister in the process.
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
This is one of my favourite Psalms. It describes King David crying out to God to teach him how to number his
The first time I attended a political rally was during the July 7, 1998 Saba Saba Day celebrations at Kamukunji Grounds in Nairobi. As I listened to the speeches, I was shocked at how a young student leader, going by
This is how police officers are hired. The first qualification isn’t education, but the mandatory run around the field. People die during that run. The fast runners are short-listed for teeth inspection; you need all your 32 teeth intact, to